
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church


931 5th Avenue N.
Sartell, MN 56377


If you would like more information, you may call the church office and leave a message at (320) 251-3461.

If there is an urgent need for a priest to give the last sacraments to a Catholic in danger of death, call the cell phone number of one of the priests, as listed in the weekly bulletin.

Mass Schedule

Sunday: 7:00AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM
Weekdays: Usually 8:00AM, see Bulletin

Confession:  30 minutes before each scheduled Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Mass, and also after most Saturday Masses.

Note to Newcomers

Welcome to Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church located in Sartell, MN. The clergy and parishioners of Immaculate Conception adhere firmly to the unchangeable Catholic Faith as taught by all true Popes, from St. Peter to Pope Pius XII. Because of our faithfulness to the Catholic Church of the ages, we reject the Modernist church of Vatican II with all its teachings, liturgical rites, and disciplines. We recognize that John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis are illegitimate usurpers of the papal office and we believe that there is currently no Pope reigning in the Catholic Church (sede vacante). Please see the Theological Position of the CMRI for an understanding of the present crisis in the Church, and how we can preserve the true Catholic Faith in these troubling times.

We gladly welcome visitors and newcomers. At the same time, we respectfully remind them that to receive Our Lord in Holy Communion, one must be:

  • A baptized Catholic free from any mortal sin committed since one’s last Confession
  • Fasting for three hours from any food and/or alcoholic beverage
  • One hour from any other beverage except water

Dress Code

Out of respect for the True Presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, and for the edification of our neighbor, we kindly request that all who come to our parish observe the basic traditional Catholic standards of dress for church attendance:

  • Women and girls must cover their heads. (Chapel veils or mantillas are available for loan in the vestibule.)
  • Women and girls must wear dresses or skirts that cover the knee completely when standing or sitting. Slacks, shorts, sleeveless, tight or low-cut clothing, and dresses or skirts with long slits above the knees are not permitted.
  • It is recommended for men and boys to wear suit coats and ties for Sunday Mass. Jeans and other casual attire are inappropriate for attendance at church.

Bishop Mark Pivarunas’ Pastoral Letter on Modesty, which contains directives from the Church’s Magisterium, is available online here.


  • Baptism: by arrangement (when possible, within 2 weeks after birth)
  • Matrimony: for members of the parish only (Please contact the pastor at least 6 months before the wedding date.)
  • First Communion: annually
  • Confirmation: annually when Bishop Pivarunas visits
  • Extreme Unction: as needed (please contact the priest should any emergency arise)

Catechism Classes

Catechism classes for children and teenagers are taught by the CMD Sisters (Congregation of the Mother of God) on most Sundays throughout the school year.

Parish Registration

If you have been attending Immaculate Conception Church and would like to become a parishioner, feel free to fill out forms which are available in the vestibule. You may also talk to a priest or sister after Mass for more information.

About Our Clergy

The clergy serving Immaculate Conception Catholic Church are affiliated with the Congregatio Mariae Reginae Immaculatae (CMRI), or Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen, a Roman Catholic religious congregation consisting of Priests, Brothers, and Sisters dedicated to preserving the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Traditional Catholic Faith. The CMRI is responsible for over 90 traditional Catholic churches and Mass centers both in the U.S. and abroad and over 15 traditional Catholic schools as well as a comprehensive online Catholic store. See cmri.org for more information and to read more about how these traditional Catholic Priests, Brothers, and Sisters live and spread the Catholic Faith and the Fatima Message.

Please visit the website of the seminary in Omaha, Nebraska, where our clergy are trained: Home-Mater Dei Seminary. It operates under the auspices of the Most Rev. Mark A. Pivarunas, CMRI, and the Religious Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen. (CMRI)

© 2020-2022 Immaculate Conception Church